Newborn photoshoot in studio
Newborn Photoshoot in Studio with Keagan and Caryn

This newborn photoshoot in studio with the two-week-old baby girl is too adorable for words. She was a little niggly – we discovered that keeping baby warm during the photoshoot is really important. Once we had the heater in place, even with plus 25 degrees outside and warmer in the studio she was still not completely happy until we added the heater.
Why we added heat to the shoot
Babies cannot regulate their temperature so keeping the room warm or those cute naked poses is really important. More so than you might think. If you are doing the photoshoot at home then try to make sure the room is a nice and toasty 30 degrees plus. If you only have a small heater then we will keep that as close to the baby as possible. This little girl was also on the cusp of being too old for this photoshoot.
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Final Thoughts
Newborns are ideally done within seven to ten days of being born. At this stage, they do not move as much as later and they love to be all wrapped up normally. As it reminds them of being all cosy in the womb.
You might remember Keagan and Caryns maternity session. If not click the link to see more :).